Benefits Of Drinking Organic Green Tea During Pregnancy

As a generation we have become more aware and conscious about our health and well-being. However, it is crucial to prioritize it when one is with a child. Pregnant women need to take care of their health for the well-being and holistic development of their unborn child.

Green tea has some known benefits that pregnant women can benefit from. Like with other things, over consumption of green tea is bad - especially for pregnant women as it might interfere with the absorption of folic acid. However, when consumed in moderation 2-3 cups of lightly brewed fresh organic green tea, it has a host of benefits to offer.

1. Regulates healthy blood pressure

Drinking green tea is known to have plenty of benefits. Organic green tea is rich in antioxidants, especially polyphenols. These antioxidants are known to prevent cell damage. Consumption of a cup or two of lightly brewed whole leaf green tea is advised for pregnant women to avoid a complication known as preeclampsia, which arises due to high blood pressure. By helping regulate blood pressure, green tea is a safe and natural way to avoid such a complication.

2. Boosts the i

The most commonly known benefit of green tea is its immunity boosting powers. In fact, it is one of the key reasons that this variation of tea gained popularity in the first place. It is no different for expecting mothers. Owing to its ‘T-Cells’ Organic green tea possesses immunity boosting powers that help keep common infections such as cold, flu, among others at bay. Expecting mothers need to be at their healthiest in order for the baby to grow in a healthy manner.

3. Keeps skin problems away

While there are so many joys of pregnancy, every woman who has experienced it will agree that it is not so joyous on one’s skin and hair. In fact, some women would argue that the ‘pregnancy glow’ is farce. Pregnancy sets in motion various hormonal changes that the body has to process all at once, the most common effects are felt with dry skin, hair fall, hair thinning, among others. Green tea and its anti-inflammatory properties may help curb some of these effects. 

4. Helps with mood swings                   

Mood swings are a common challenge that expecting mothers have to go through throughout their pregnancies. From feeling super energized to feeling super drained out is a matter of minor moments for a to-be mother with a child. High quality organic green tea is rich in antioxidants that help regularize the metabolism. Also, the amino acid - theanine is known to calm the mind and even relax the muscles. Pregnant women may experience some relief with this power drink.

 5. Dental issues stay at bay

Bet with all the smiles and laughter, you didn’t see this one coming. Ask a lady who has been there and done that and she will not bat an eyelid to tell you that a pregnancy can onset a host of dental issues such as cavities, bleeding gums, and more. Catechin is another type of antioxidant found in green tea that has some merit in helping keep these dental problems in check. It destroys viruses and bacteria and leads to healthier oral hygiene.
