Assam Black Tea: Some Lesser Known Facts That One Simply Must Know

In 1823, a Scottish adventurer named Robert Bruce discovered an area on the hills of the Assam region where he found Assam tea plants growing wildly. It was then classified by experts to be same as ‘Camellia Sinensis’, with the only difference being that these plants had wilder leaves. Soon after in the year 1839, The Assam Tea Company was found, and the production of Assam Black Tea began at full swing.

Assam soon became one of the most fertile places for the cultivation of tea. The monsoon floods between May – October further enriches the soil and tea is picked between April – November during the hottest and the wettest season. First Flush Assam Tea is harvested in April and the second flush is usually picked from May to June. The second flush Assam Tea is the most flavorful because the sultry conditions bring out the malty richness in the tea.

Like every other Tea, the consumption of Assam Black Tea too has a lot of health benefits. Let us have a look at them.

Prevents the development of tooth cavity

We are never too far away from a delicious dessert. However, there are many of us who love to over-indulge. Not only do they run the risk of cavity formation on their teeth, but too much consumption of sweets can also cause harm to the overall dental nerve health. Assam tea has a solution for this. It is a widely accepted belief that daily consumption of Assam black tea, along with regular gargling of the same in the morning and night keeps the cavities from forming, leading to excellent overall dental health.

Prevents the absorption of fat inside the body

Staying fit in today’s day and age is of paramount importance. We often complain about our metabolism rate in our bodies. A slow metabolism rate struggles to breakdown the food in our body and the resultant fat from the foods gets absorbed in our bodies. One of the biggest benefits of Assam black tea is that it regulates the absorption of fats inside the body and puts a lid on excessive weight gain. It helps in producing energy in the body and increases the metabolism rate of the body. The regular consumption of Assam black tea without sugar is a great way of avoiding extra weight-gain.

Nourishes skin into being permanently healthy

We all crave for skin that is glowing from the outside and appear young and wrinkle-free. To acquire this, we often spend a bomb on cosmetics that do provide results but only on a temporary basis. What we do not understand is that our skin requires the real nourishment from inside the body and not necessarily always on the outside. Daily consumption of Assam black tea guarantees this interior nourishment of the body as it is a rich source of Vitamin A and Vitamin E which helps in purifying the blood internally and is hence very good for the skin.

Helps fight infections and other diseases

Assam black tea has the necessary properties that can help increase mental alertness in people. It contains substantial levels of antioxidants and enough caffeine that helps prevent oxidative stress in the brain which reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The mineral content of Assam black tea also helps boost the internal immune system that helps in fighting against common diseases such as cold and flu. One hot cup of Assam black mixed with some honey can be a great preventive remedy for anyone who feels he is on the verge of getting a flu.

Assam Black Tea is one of the most popular forms of tea that is consumed across India today. However, to enjoy the taste, richness, and purity of Assam tea to the fullest, it is important that the tea is purchased from the best tea manufacturer in the country.
